Privacy Policy

Our top priority is maintaining your privacy. As a result, we have created this policy so that you are aware of how we gather, use, share, and utilize personal information. Here is a summary of our privacy practices.

When you visit the website at VisitJewishIndia, Visit Jewish India will acquire specific details about you.

This website, like other Tour & Travels websites, uses server logs and “cookies”—a widely used technology—to track how users use the site and enhance their individual experience. Your IP address, the date and time of visits, the pages seen, the amount of time spent on our site, the websites visited just before and just after our own, and other information may be collected by cookies and server logs.

Our Identity

Our website address is:


A cookie is a very small text file that frequently contains a private, unique identifier. Your browser may receive cookies from different websites. However, in order to protect your privacy, your browser only permits websites to access the cookies that it has already given to them; it does not permit them to access the cookies that other websites have supplied to you.

IP Addresses

Every time your computer is linked to the Internet, IP addresses are used. Your computer’s IP address is a number that other computers on the network use to recognize it. Our web server automatically gathers IP addresses as part of the demographic and profile information known as “traffic data” in order to send you data (such the Web pages you request).

Email Information

We may keep a record of the emails’ contents, your email address, and our responses when communicating via email. We provide the same security measures for maintaining data obtained over the phone, by email, and online for these digital communications. This also applies if you buy from our website, use your email address to join up for our website, or fill out any of our forms. Email the regulations mentioned below for additional information.

Data Transmitted To

In general, we utilize personal information to manage our business operations, provide customer service, and make various services available to our potential clients.

Unless you choose to provide, Visit Jewish India does not collect any personally-identifying information about you when you visit the site, and it also does not sell or otherwise transfer that information to unaffiliated third parties without the user’s consent.

We may release information if required by law to do so, or is necessary to preserve our legal rights.

Email Guidelines

Your email address will be private at all times. We don’t rent, sell, or lease our subscriber lists to outside parties, and we won’t ever give your personal information to a person, business, or government organization unless we are absolutely required to by law.

We keep the data you email us in compliance with any relevant federal laws.


All emails received from our organization will have specific instructions on how to unsubscribe so that you won’t ever again get emails from us while you chose to do so.

Use of Outside Links

 Links to numerous other websites may be found on . Information found at any linked site cannot be guaranteed to be accurate by Visit Jewish India. Links to or from external websites that Visit Jewish India does not own or control do not imply an endorsement of the sponsors of those websites, the goods or information they present, by Visit Jewish India or any of its employees.

By using this website, you accept its Terms and Conditions of Use, all applicable laws and regulations, and the responsibility for adhering to any local laws that may be in force in your area. You are not permitted to use or access this website if you disagree with any of these terms. This website’s contents are shielded by relevant copyright and trademark laws.

Rights to intellectual property

Visit Jewish India or its licensors will always be the sole owners of all copyrights, trademarks, patents, and other intellectual property rights in and on our website, as well as all content and software found there. Without the express written approval of Visit Jewish India, you are not permitted to utilize our trademarks, content, or other intellectual property.


Republishing content from our website without our express written permission.

Offer our website’s content for sale or rental.

Reproduce, duplicate, make derivative works from, copy, or otherwise use material from our website.

Republish any of our website’s material, including on a different website.

Suitable Use

Harassing or annoying any other user, sending pornographic or objectionable content, or interfering with the natural flow of conversation on our website are all prohibited behaviors. You may not send unsolicited commercial e-mails using our website.

Limited Access

Future access restrictions to some or all of our website may be necessary, and we reserve the right to do so.

Utilizing Testimonials

Please be aware of the following in compliance with the FTC’s rules on the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising:

The reviews that can be seen on this website were submitted as text, audio, or video. They are unique experiences that correspond to people who have utilized our goods and/or services in the actual world. They are unique outcomes, and they do differ. We do not assert that these represent normal outcomes. The testimonies may not accurately represent all of the people who will buy our goods and/or use our services.

The testimonies posted on this website in any format (text, audio, video, or another) are copied exactly, with the exception of any grammatical or typing errors.

Any ideas or comments made on  are not the responsibility of Visit Jewish India. Visit Jewish India does not host testimonials, but it does offer them as a way for users to communicate with one another about their experiences. All testimonials are displayed only after being approved by Visit Jewish India management in order to prevent abuse. The opinions expressed on  are solely the views of the testimonial source. Visit Jewish India does not share the thoughts, views, or commentary of any testimonials.

We Safeguard Your Data and Encrypt Information Transfers

Email is not acknowledged as a secure communication channel. This is why we ask that you refrain from emailing us any private information. However, you are free to do so at your own risk. Some of the data you could enter on our website might be sent securely via Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL, a secure transmission method. Email is never used to send sensitive information like credit card numbers.


No representations, warranties, or assurances are given by Visit Jewish India as to the correctness, or completeness of the information included on this website or other websites that may be linked to this one.

Change In Policy

This privacy statement is subject to change at any time, with or without notice. However, be assured that even if the privacy statement changes in the future, we won’t use the personal data you’ve given us under this privacy statement in a way that materially violates it without first getting your permission.


Please get in touch with us here or send an email to,  if you have any queries.