Jewish Heritage Tour, Cochin

Introduction to the Jewish Communities of Kerala

Pickup offered

0.5 to 1 Day

Offered in: English

2 (min) to 10 People Tour operates: Sun to Fri on request

What's Included

Jewish ancestry has a long history in Cochin, sometimes referred to as Kochi. Kochi boasts one of the oldest Jewish communities in India, and a significant building connected to this history is the Paradesi Synagogue.

This tour of the Jewish Heritage in Cochin includes visit to One Jew Town, 5 Synagogues and Two Cemeteries. The Jew Town is located at Mattancherry where Pardesi Synagogue is located with it’s world famous hand painted tiles and golden crown of the Sefer presented by the King to the Jewish Community. Pardesi Synagogue was established in the year 1568 and celebrated it’s 400th Anniveersary in the presence of the then Prime Minister of India Late Mrs Indira Gandhi. Today the number of local Jewish living in the Jew Town is not adquete to complete minyan for the prayers and hence only with the help of visiting tourist and regular business visitors synagogue prayers on Friday are conducted when possible. Other Two Synagogues are located at Ernkulam Market area but visitors have access to the only one of them viz Kadvumbagam Synagogue and no access is available to the Tekumbagam Synagogue except one can see it from the Jew Street while walking to the market. Visitors can travel to the Parur Synagogue where well maintained exhibition is on display and a collection of videos are available for the visitors to view. Mala Synagogue is accessible on prior intimation only is not open on Sunday’s and bank holidays. One can visit the Channamagalam Synagogue and see the exhibition as well as meet with Original Jewish family when ever they are visiting the town from Israel. Our tour will ensure that you get to see the maximum number of Synagogues and also visit the Sara’s Embroidery Shop to witness the Groom’s Kippa which is uniquely decorated in the Cochini Traditions

India Tour through Jewish Perspective

Hekhal in Pardesi Synagouge

India Tour through Jewish Eyes

Jew Town Road

India Tour through Jewish Eyes

18th century, hand-painted porcelain tiles