Jewish Heritage Tour, Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta)

Introduction to the Jewish Community of Calcutta

Pickup offered

0.5 to 1 Day

Offered in: English

2 (min) to 10 People Tour Operates: Sun to Fri on request

Overview. The cultural and historical landscape of Kolkata has been significantly shaped by the Jewish population. Jewish history in Kolkata is extensive. The “Jewish Synagogue,” or Magen David Synagogue, is a well-known landmark and a significant part of the city’s Jewish history.

Jewish Heritage Tour of Kolkata includes visit to the most fascinating three synagogues viz. Magen David, Neveh Shalom and Beth-El. At the Beth-El Synagogue gallery there is an exhibition of the Kolkata Jewish Heritage giving the history of the Jewish Community of Kolkatta and the many events that glorified the community over the last Century. We shall arrange your visit to the Jewish Girl’s School of Kolkata where you will meet with the Adminstrator of the School and the Jewish Community. You will be invited to the Nahoum’s Bakery in the New Market of Kolkata where you will see a variety of Confectionery and can order a Challa Bread for the Shabbath. The last stop in the Jewish tour of the Kolkata is at the Cemetery where you will observe one of the most unique Geniza which is located at the Centre. While returning back via Park Street you will see some of the former homes of the Sassoons’ or Elias or Meyer families who dominated the Jews of Kolkata.

What's Included

India Tour through Jewish Perspective

Beth-El Synagogue

Golden Triangle - Delhi Agra Jaipur

Magen David Synagogue Hekhal

Cruise to India and tours of Jewish Landmarks

Neveh Shalom Synagogue Inside

India Tour through Jewish Perspective

Magen David Synagogue Outside